Friday, June 12, 2015

Modern Industrial Bedroom, design by Lenny Indriani

Everything in a bedroom should contribute to an atmosphere of peace.
One thing from every other i love the most is the navyblue animal rug. It's so exquisite and lovely in the same time. Plus navyblue is my number one favorite color.

Decorate your very own personal bedroom in clean industrial style, why not?

Design and render by Lenny Indriani
(Note : All of these picts in my blog is my OWN design and 3d rendering)

Any suggestions or design inquiries?
Catch me by email at


Twin Babies Room, design by: Lenny Indriani

Some people said that twin babies could double up your happiness

Desain kamar bayi kembar eksklusif untuk Little Andrea dan Little Josh. Kehadiran nuansa kayu memberi kesan hangat pada ruang, ditambah backdrop marble di backdrop bed memberi kesan mewah namun tetap humble dan simple.

Twin babies room, design by: Lenny Indriani

For design inquiries simply email us at
or text us +62 811 29 000 68

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Modern Simple Bedroom with Limited Space design, by: Lenny Indriani

When space is limited, it's preferable to adopt a more reserved design approach. Earth tones or shades of white combined with a streamlined decor will make the bedroom area a welcoming place to rest and relax. This space nuance states a neutral tone, optionally, adding some fierce black artwork could add some masculine nuance in it.

I found this tips are useful. I hope you do too!  :)

Modern Simple Bedroom with Limited Space design, by: Lenny Indriani

For any suggestions or design inquiries please contact:
+62 811 29 000 68

Pop Colorful Foyer Design, by: Lenny Indriani

The rest of the decorating decisions come down to one major detail which will affect just about EVERYTHING ELSE in a room.

Here are some quick tips to help you choose the right color scheme for any reason :

  1. Pick the dominant color - start with the most dominate color you love and make it most frequently used color in your space. This works especially well when choosing color for wallpaper, drapes, and an area rug.
  2. Use the 60/30/10 rule - this rule is a tried and true formula from interior design expert. 60% of the room should be a dominant color, 30% a secondary color, and 10% should be the accent color.
  3. Don't lose your style - "Stick to the things you really love. An honest room is always up to date" meant that if you stay true to your personal style when you're decorating, you won't go wrong :)
Just be colorful and don't be boring, and you're one step closer to be a designer! 

Foyer design by Lenny Indriani

Any suggestions?
drop a message +62 811 29 000 68
or mail us at

Modern Living Room Interior Design, by: Lenny Indriani

If you could only choose one room in your home to put your heart and soul into designing, the living room would top the list. It's that treasured (and often off-limits) space that sets the tone for your entire decorating style - quotes by Mary Kate McGrath.

Penggunaan material yang sederhana dengan guratan alami masing-masing karakteristiknya memberi kesan yang humble pada ruangan living room. Living room pada sebuah rumah menjadi tone-setter sekaligus jantung atau pusat ruang bagi ruangan lainnya. Warna-warna earthy tone dan natural menjadikan living room menjadi sebuah ruang yang tidak lekang oleh waktu.

Living room interior design by Lenny Indriani.

For any suggestions or design inquiries please contact:
+62 811 29 000 68